Wifi smart water meter (20mm)
Konarak Systems has developed an AMI (Automatic Meter Infrastructure) system based on Wi-Fi communication managed over the Internet.
The technology is protected under a pending worldwide patent.
The system is designed to help Water Authorities, Water supply companies, Utilities, and municipalities to improve their exciting controlling, reading and billing systems for the distribution of water and to minimize the NRW (Non-Revenue Water).
The company wants to be a pioneer in setting a standard in the AMR/AMI communication for the benefit of the customer and free competition in the service and support of the future customers
A unified water meter that includes a Wi-Fi transmitter, used to follow up water consumption and conveying their data to the control center.
Wi-Fi Access Point – A communication unit used to receive transmissions sent from the water meters and as a repeater that bridges the distances from the transmitting water gauge to the central unit.
Digital Central Unit (DCU) – a unit designed to store the data transferred from the field and deliver them to the control center.
Communication server – The communication server is used to manage the communication with the DCUs and to transfer the data collected by the DCU’s to the control center.
The proposed system consists of several parts:
Application Server – the application server is an MDM (Meter Data Management) system with a main designation of gathering, storing and providing tools for analysis of the data received from the meters.
The system has additional tools intended to complement the solution and provide the entire tools required to manage the remote reading system.
The user interface includes various levels of use, ranging from the administrator, through the corporation’s engineers and users to the end user.
The user interface is made of a report generator and intersections of data retrieval, pre-fabricated report management tools, dashboard, geographic display, alarm management tools, equipment management tool as well as settings screens and an administrator.
Gathering, cleaning and storing data of water meter readings and alarms Management of information cards regarding meters, consumers, assets and communication, including the relevant maintenance design Provision of a line of reports upon demand – in the consumer, consumer group, water balance, asset, and other levels.
Supplying a report generator for ad hoc report building Display of and handling alarms and their dispatch via text messages and e-mail Presentation of information in real-time or near-real-time through the Dashboard, which includes water balances, periodical quantities, alarms, etc.
Presentation of information on a map Reception of information and conveying it to interfacing systems – accounting, CRM, GIS, etc
Receiver / Programmer
- Based on nisko wifi repeater
- Work as an access point
- Receives nisko WIFI units transmissions
- Wireless connection to pc
- Two-way communication
- Programmable parameters
- Nisko WIFI units programmer
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